The course of "discovering and developing potential competences" for Dat Xanh Mien Trung personnel

Thứ bảy, 11/05/2019

Following the success of the previous capacity building programs, from April 24, 2019 to April 27, 2019, the Training Department of Dat Xanh Mien Trung Copration in coordination with FSB International Business Institute organized a training course on “Discovering and developing potential competencies” conducted by PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong. Through this practical training program, Dat Xanh Mien Trung wants to equip employees with more skills to develop their skills, thereby drawing up strategies for personal development at work.
The 4-day course attracted the participation of hundreds of employees of Dat Xanh Mien Trung.
PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong is currently Training Director of FPT University. She is the youngest IT doctor in FPT. She has the nickname as "brain doctor" when she was the first lecturer in Vietnam to apply the method of brain storming in training programs for more than 11,000 students nationwide.
Warm-up for the lesson, PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong conveyed to students the lesson of awakening the love of each other by embracing oneself, giving oneself love words and practicing the habit of thanking oneself, thanking the life for giving a new day to live and work. It was seemingly simple, but when asked, nearly 100% of the students in the hall answered that they did not have the habit of saying love and communication with themselves.
By integrating interesting case studies, PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong provided convincing evidence of the brain remember ability to introduce the memory methods and techniques of each person.
"Please study as a child to always absorb it to the fullest" is what PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong has always reminded her students throughout the course of the course. This means learning with curiosity and a desire to understand the world around them. Students are also taught how to set goals for life, how to manage their time effectively by writing their schedules on paper; arrange the important things in order of priority on the coordinate axis; how to set out missions, life visions as well as short-term and long-term goals in life ...
Besides, PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong brings a lot of valuable experience to the employees who participated in this course on the principles of the mind operations and the ways to innovate in thinking by being happy in all conditions, in how to think, how to live and direct their lives appropriately so that learners dare to commit themselves, dare to take on more challenging responsibilities and live with gratitude for themselves, their families, organizations and communities.
Trainees learn many methods to discover the hidden things in their mind and body through the guidance of "Dr. Brain" Nguyen Hong Phuong.
"Our bodies are the most wonderful apparatus on earth. If not, why many scientists have not been able to make a device that converts food into blood. Yet no one spends enough time in talking to your body every day ". Trainees attending the course were able to do things for the first time in their lives, such as hugging, talking to themselves, and imaging by closing their eyes. “The secret of the mind is to distinguish between the real world and the imagination. Therefore, imagination not only helps to create, renew thinking but also helps to train your own physical body”- PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong said.
In addition, throughout the course, PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong also talked to the students about the principles of brain activity, how to make happiness, help students control emotions well, heal psychological wounds to make clear-sighted decisions in life. In addition, by Thought model, also known as re-framed form, PhD. Nguyen Hong Phuong helped the students visualize the causes of actions and ways of regulating emotions to get more positive results. From this, we learn from experience that if we want to change results, we have to change our minds.
At the end of the course, 100% of the students identified their goals as with specific actions such as: My dream in 2020 - 2025 - 2030; My brain is a natural language learning machine; I love reading, I read books curiously and eager to explore knowledge; I promise that I study with my own power and take full responsibility for my studies; I decided to be a member of the 4% most successful people in the world; I do "to do list" weekly and commit to fully comply with what I have recorded; I commit to maximizing my imagination; I commit to fully focus on learning; I exercise my brain every day; I have a great memory; I have the habit of successful people; I say love myself every day; I love everyone…
The course was closed with the song "Niem tin chien thang" as a message of "Dr. Brain" for trainees about internal solidarity, confidence in their own decisions and not forgetting to thank to life. The 4-day course ended with many valuable lessons on forming new habits with the exercises of remembering and the outstanding thinking of a successful person.
Dat Xanh Mien Trung with the motivation to develop the succession team, facilitating the comprehensive development of personnel is the guideline throughout the training plans of Dat Xanh Mien Trung. With the strategies of training and fostering attractive resources, it can be said that Dat Xanh Mien Trung has affirmed its position not only as one of the best real estate investment, development and management companies in the Southeast Asia, but also a typical enterprise with the ideal, stable and attractive working environment in the region. Certainly, by continuously fostering in knowledge, skills, the staff of the company will be increasingly confident, enthusiastic, unanimous to join hands for the strong development of Dat Xanh Mien Trung.
Let’s look back the memorable moments of the course "Discovering and developing potential competencies":
The sharing of Ms. Hong Phuong brings interesting experiences to the trainees who are employees of Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation.
The gifts after the class for trainees are useful books introduced by lecturers during the course.
Everyone excitedly sang the song "Niem tin chien thang" after completing the course.
Dat Xanh Mien Trung