The inauguration ceremony of Dat Quang Riverside utility and infrastructure project

Thứ sáu, 27/12/2019

In the morning of November 2, 2019, at Dat Quang Riverside utility project was invested by Dat Quang Group and Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation as the project developers, the inauguration ceremony of the utilities area and project infrastructure had been taken place.

Khánh thành khu tiện tích và hạ tầng dự án Dat Quang RiversideRepresentatives of Dat Quang Group and Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation performed the inauguration ceremony this morning

At the event, the representative of Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation also announced the construction roadmap as well as detailing the special highlights of the resort villa product line located in the subdivision of Dat Quang Riverside. DAT QUANG RIVERSIDE Project impressed customers strongly with the quite quickly construction progress of infrastructure and utilities.

Infrastructure items such as asphalt roads, sidewalks, lighting systems, embankments and greenery categories have been started construction from June 2019 and completed the whole phase 1 of the project by September 2019. The project's green park is also completed ahead of schedule and put into operation in October 2019.

Khánh thành khu tiện tích và hạ tầng dự án Dat Quang Riverside

The actual highlight of the project is the standard tennis court which has welcomed many visitors with playing here.

Currently, the investor is continuing to conduct the construction and installation of amusement models in children's parks and high-end public sports equipment. According to the schedule, these items will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter of 2019 that contributing to affirming the synchronous and multi-utility urbanization value, bringing the peace of mind and creating the profitable environment for customers as well as an investor at Dat Quang Riverside project.

Representative of the project developer, Mr. Tran Ngoc Thai - Investment Director of Dat Xanh Mien Trung JSC shared: “From the preparation stage to the successful implementation of the project of resort villa product line- One World Regency has affirmed strongly the potential, position and reputation of Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation in the field of construction investment.

This is also an opportunity for Dat Xanh Mien Trung to show its management capacity and business culture that contributing to consolidate and enhance brand value which creating foundation for the next higher development steps with the spirit of Pioneer - Difference - Exceptional.

Dat Xanh Mien Trung is also always ready to cooperate and look forward to the direction, assistance, and supporting of Departments of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee, Dien Ban Town People's Committee, and local people to implement and complete the project on schedule, all items comply with the principle for the benefit of the customers and community".

Khánh thành khu tiện tích và hạ tầng dự án Dat Quang Riverside

Dat Quang Riverside project was approved by Decision No. 2368 / QD-UBND (issued on June 30, 2017) by Quang Nam People's Committee regarding approval of the detailed planning of 1/500 lot. However, Dat Quang Group and Dat Xanh Mien Trung have decided to extend the preparation work until they could meet all the conditions to implement a high-class urban area project with the series of resort villas that will be formed in the future.

Dat Quang Group and Dat Xanh Mien Trung have contributed to stabilizing and sustainable developing for the Da Nang-Quang Nam inter-regional real estate market that creating the trust for the investors and giving good opportunities for customers. Over the years, Dat Xanh Mien Trung has continuously created brand highlights through outstanding business capacity and reputation in the real estate market. "We are proud to always put the product quality first and strive to bring products with outstanding value as our original commitment to the customers" - the representative of Dat Xanh Mien Trung emphasized.

A series of luxury villas and townhouses projects that Dat Xanh Mien Trungl is investing and developing such as Lakeside Palace, Lakeside Infinity, Dragon Smart City, Marina Complex, One River Villas ... have become typical projects in Da Nang city. With Dat Quang Riverside project, Dat Xanh Mien Trung continues to create the highlight of a prestigious real estate brand in Quang Nam province. "Like the projects that customers and the community are known, Dat Xanh Mien Trung affirmed its commitment to implement Dat Quang Riverside project to ensure safety, quality with fastest and most transparent schedule" – Mr. Tran Ngoc Thai added.