Dat Xanh Mien Trung has reached the Top 500 of largest corporate income tax payers in Vietnam during 2 consecutive years.

Thứ sáu, 27/12/2019

The General Department of Taxation (Ministry of Finance) has just published a list of 1,000 largest corporate income taxpayers in Vietnam in 2018. With the total State budget payment in 2018 reached 82.7 billion VND. Dat Xanh Mien Trung Joint Stock Company (Dat Xanh Mien Trung) is honored to rank 471 / 1,000 enterprises of paying the highest corporate income tax (CIT) in Vietnam in 2018.

According to the General Department of Taxation, the total amount of business income tax of 1,000 listed enterprises has published that accounted for 60.3% of the total revenue from corporate income tax. The total of taxes on the V1000 list in 2018 increased by 8.3% compared to the V1000 list in 2017.

Đất Xanh Miền Trung 2 năm liền lọt Top 500 doanh nghiệp nộp thuế TNDN lớn nhất Việt Nam

La Maison Premium - One of the projects is launched by Dat Xanh Mien Trung in Phu Yen market will become the commercial center of the coastal city of Tuy Hoa in the future.

In particular, there are 13 enterprises in Da Nang City included in the top 1,000 largest corporate income taxpayers in Vietnam and Dat Xanh Mien Trung is honored to rank 5/13 enterprises in Da Nang with the largest contribution in this published time.
Specifically, Central Power Corporation (Dien Luc Mien trung) (ranked 246), Da Nang International Terminal Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (ranked 291), Da Nang - Central Vietnam Investment Joint Stock Company (ranked 317), Da Nang FPT - Urban Joint Stock Company (ranked 344), Dat Xanh Mien Trung Joint Stock Company (ranked 471).

During nearly 10 years of operation, Dat Xanh Mien Trung has always complied with all tax obligations and payable amounts to the State budget with the contribution rates tending to increase year by year. This is the third year that the General Department of Taxation has released a detailed ranking of 1,000 largest corporate income taxpayers in Vietnam and Dat Xanh Mien Trung was also honored by the second consecutive year.

In two public times of V1000, Dat Xanh Mien Trung is honored in the list with the ranking of next year higher than the previous one and is one of the 500 enterprises present in the V1000 list in 2017 and 2018.

Đất Xanh Miền Trung 2 năm liền lọt Top 500 doanh nghiệp nộp thuế TNDN lớn nhất Việt NamLeisure real estate according to international standards will be the key product of Dat Xanh Mien Trung in the future.

In order to achieve this result of 2018, Dat Xanh Mien Trung set the highest business record with the total revenue of the Corporation reaching VND 965.5 billion. Remarkably, the after-tax profit has reached the highest level until now with the figure of VND 610.3 billion, enhancing the Company's total assets to VND 5,000 billion.

With the second named in the list of 1,000 largest corporate income taxpayers in Vietnam in 2018, Dat Xanh Mien Trung continues to firmly affirm the position of the best commercial real estate developer in Southeast Asia. The ranking of 1,000 largest corporate income taxpayers in Vietnam not only meets the information needs in the business community but also is a recognition for enterprises to strive better in the future.

Đất Xanh Miền Trung 2 năm liền lọt Top 500 doanh nghiệp nộp thuế TNDN lớn nhất Việt NamDat Xanh Mien Trung advocates developing product lines of codomium complex area and a high-class commercial center in Vietnam.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Thai - Chairman of Board of Directors of member companies cum Director of Investment said: “As one of the largest real estate investment companies in the Central region with typical projects that have changed the urban appearance of Danang City and the surrounding provinces. Currently, Dat Xanh Mien Trung has been increasing in scale, widespread coverage in the central provinces with products including high-class and low-rise built houses, commercial real estate with more than 5,000 products. All infrastructure systems, lighting, landscape in these projects will be invested carefully and professionally according to the five - seven star resort standard. The company also clearly determines its mission by 2023 to raise its chartered capital to VND 10,000 billion that creating high-class and international urban areas. ”

According to the plan, this conmpany is gradually stepping up the asset management service to the member company which named Smart Property in order to establish an optimal, simple, scientific, and coherent model that shortening the work process and improving business efficiency.

Therefore, along with the establishment of the Smart Property Company, Dat Xanh Mien Trung officially operates all 4 areas: Researching, product development, distribution and operation management.

For achieving the goal of reaching VND 800 billion in 2019, Dat Xanh Mien Trung has been strongly enhancing the role as one of the investors and project development units; Investment management, operational management with good reputation in Southeast Asia.