Luxury real estate will be the target of customers in the next 10 years

Thứ hai, 08/07/2019

(Construction) - About 10 or 20 years ago, along with the impressive increase of the upper class, a series of luxury brands from watches, cars, fashion, jewelry, furniture, food ... started to penetrate into Vietnam market. With the real estate industry, the big men from Japan, Korea, Singapore, the United States and China jointly enter into a joint venture and develop suitable real estate models and international standards according to domestic investment.

Luxury real estate: Viet Nam Luxury real estate trend on 5 - 10 next years

In the near future, the luxury and high-end housing segment in Vietnam will increasingly make a strong attraction to investors due to the ability to raise prices and positive interest rates. 10 years ago, if investors could own luxury products with prices ranging from 1 million USD, the market has currently recorded the transaction of luxury products at price of 10 million USD. Expected in the next 10 years, the price of these products can reach up to about 30 million.

BĐS hạng xa xỉ sẽ là mục tiêu của khách hàng trong 10 năm tớiCodomium complex product lines are still very lacking in quality and quantity in Vietnam

The demand for quality of houses of the rich in Vietnam is also changing rapidly. In the past, customers were only interested in owning a house with full construction of basic functions, but for the past 10 years, houseowners have become more and more strict with criteria for selection. Their home must have comfortable living space, adequate utilities, civilized community.

In the context that the size of the upper class is expanding, leading to the need to assert themselves and increase living space, customers are increasingly expecting their homes. A house must aim to sophistication and difference, architectural styles, landscapes, utilities must be invested according to international standards, helping owners to affirm their own value, enjoy the quality of a high-end life. In other words, the housing of the high-class owner should also be worthy.

Development orientation for the next 10 years of Dat Xanh Mien Trung: Developing products according to international and luxury standards 

Đất Xanh Miền TrungDat Xanh Mien Trung repositions brand of product lines

The next 10-year development orientation of Central Green Land is to develop products according to international and luxury standards. Particularly for 2019, Dat Xanh Mien Trung will develop three main product lines: low-rise buildings, high-rise buildings, commercial real estate and luxury offices. The company also clearly identifies its mission by 2023 to raise its chartered capital to VND 10,000 billion, create world-class and symbolic urban areas.

Đất Xanh Miền TrungDat Xanh Mien Trung clearly identifies the upcoming development strategy

Mr. Tran Ngoc Thai - Chairman of Member Companies and Director of Investment & Land Fund Development Division of Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation said: “The brand value of the Dat Xanh Mien Trung project is always greater than the market valuation. Dat Xanh Mien Trung will create long-lasting, sustainable value-added products over time. To achieve that goal, Dat Xanh Mien Trung implemented to transform the Company's operating model. The company will establish 6-8 member companies and divide it into 3 main groups of companies: In charge of real estate trading: Dat Xanh Danang, Dat Xanh Nam Mien Trung, Dat Xanh Bac Mien Trung, Dat Xanh Tay Nguyen, Dat Xanh Mien Trung Emerald. In charge of investment and development: Smart City, Dat Xanh Quang Ngai, Dat Xanh Hue, Dat Xanh Quang Binh, Dat Xanh Phu Yen. In charge of operation: Smart Property ... For the Parent Company, it will be in charge of developing luxury and high-end product lines, compatible with capital scale, suitable to the economic characteristics of Vietnam, foreseeing wave of migration from other countries coming to Vietnam to work and live”.

BĐS hạng xa xỉ sẽ là mục tiêu của khách hàng trong 10 năm tớiPerspective of a large shopping center under the One World Regency super project developed by Dat Xanh Mien Trung

Currently, Dat Xanh Mien Trung has been increasing in scale, spread in the central provinces with products including high-end pre-built high-rise houses, commercial real estate, at the same time, focusing on developing multi-style urban areas savoured European style with over 5,000 low-rise and high-rise housing products. All infrastructure systems, lighting, landscape in these projects will be well-invested carefully according to the 5 - 7 star resort standard, creating the regional-level masterpieces.