Coastal real estate has capacity to develop.

Thứ bảy, 18/05/2019

In the mid-May, a Talkshow (seminar) took place in Da Nang coastal city on the potential of coastal real estate development in Vietnam with the theme "Hundred rivers flowing to one sea" with the participation of experts in the field of real estate. On the sidelines of the seminar, journalist of Da Nang Police Newspaper interviewed Prof. Dr. Dang Hung Vo - Former Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.

Bất động sản ven biển còn dư địa phát triển

Reporter: Can you analyze why investors prefer to invest in coastal real estate?

Mr. Dang Hung Vo: According to the geo-economic theory, the countries with the sea always have greater development potential than the countries without the sea. In a country with the sea, coastal provinces have the advantage of developing stronger than provinces without the sea. In more detail on geo-economic theory, coastal areas have the advantage as the development space is always open towards the sea space which is much larger than the space on the continent. Moreover, connecting transportation by sea is also easy, convenient and lower cost than connecting by other means. That vast space contains many economic sectors that are not available on land such as exploitation of sea and seabed resources, shipping, tourism, taking advantage of energy from the sea...

Vietnam is a country with a sea space of more 3 times than the land area and a 3,000 km long coastline associated with many important islands. The marine economy in general in Vietnam has developed quite recently. Since the Politburo has set a policy to turn tourism into a key economic sector, the tourism economy has developed strongly in coastal provinces, firstly in localities with tourism potential exploited from the French colonial period such as Ha Long, Danang, Nha Trang, Vung Tau and are heading to some islands with great potentials such as Phu Quoc, Van Don ... Active investment situation in development of urban, housing, tourism in the coastal localities mentioned above is a phenomenon in accordance with the law. Where there is a clear potential for growth due to its historical, natural, cultural and physical advantages, it will attract more investors.

Reporter: How do you assess the development potential of the central coastal real estate market?

Mr. Dang Hung Vo: Throughout the Central Coastline, there are places where the tourism real estate has strongly developed such as: Danang, Quang Nam, Khanh Hoa but there are also many undeveloped locations. The search for new coastal locations in the Central to develop coastal tourism and real estate is a new trend nowadays. Many big projects are looking to underdeveloped localities such as Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Ninh Thuan, ... This step is also indispensable but must be studied very carefully in all aspects, including nature, society, culture, people, eco-geography ...

In the coastal provinces of Central Vietnam that have not yet developed coastal tourism and resort real estate, I pay special attention to Phu Yen. This is a locality that has long been considered as underdeveloped tourist place, although the natural terrain is quite beautiful with the typical mountain and coastal landscape of the Central Sea, and many cultural and historical landscapes. In particular, the natural landscape with Da Dia rapids, Xep beach, Mon beach, O Loan lagoon, Da Bia mountain, Long Thuy beach, ... Cultural landscape is also plentiful such as: Mang Lang parish church, Nhan tower, Ganh Den lighthouse ... There are diverse historical landscapes, especially Vung Ro, an important port of “no number ship” along Ho Chi Minh sea road during the American resistance war. Recently, " yellow flowers on the green grass" is a famous movie based on the novel of the same name by writer Nguyen Nhat Anh is also a new step help many tourists want to come to Phu Yen to explore and experience with yellow flowers on the green grass. Phu Yen in particular and some coastal provinces in the Central region in general still seem to be forgotten by investors for a long time. Therefore, investing in sea tourism and coastal real estate in the Central region is a suitable, higgly profitable idea for both investors and localities.

Reporter: Thank you for your discussion! 

Phu Nam