Dat Xanh Mien Trung is one of Vietnam's largest corporate income taxpayers in 2017

On August 3, the General Department of Taxation announced a ranking of 1,000 largest corporate income taxpayers in Vietnam 2017. Accordingly, with its contributions in 2017 – Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation (DXMT) was honored to enter the Top 500.

Đất Xanh Miền Trung vào top các doanh nghiệp nộp thuế TNDN lớn nhất Việt Nam 2017

According to statistics, the total amount of corporate income tax (CIT) contributed by enterprises in the ranking list to the state budget was VND 110,027 billion, accounting for 62.59% of the total CIT of the country. in 2017, an increase of 8.45% compared to VND 101,457 billion in 2016. This was the second year being listed among 1,000 enterprises paying the most income tax of the year as announced.

In the ranking list of the year 2017, there was 117 State-owned enterprises with the total corporate income tax of 27.7% of the whole ranking. In the non-state sector, there was 458 enterprises, contributing CIT with the ratio of 34.1%. FDI enterprises had 404 enterprises, accounting for 36.7%.

In particular, the Dat Xanh Mien Trung Corporation was honored to be in the Top 500 largest corporate income taxpayers in Vietnam 2017. In order to achieve this result, in 2017, DXMT has established impressive achievements when being in the top 143 Vietnam's private enterprises having the most profitable earnings with total growth of 14% compared to 2016, reaching 275 billion of profit before tax and 427 billion of revenue, raising the company's total assets to 2,000 billion and contributing to the Government budget over 100 billion, this is the 5th consecutive year the enterprise exceeded the planned targets.

“The enterprises appear in the 1,000 Ranking list, which is very proud, worthy due to continuous efforts, achievements, dedication to society, national budget and national development. ”- Mr. Bui Van Nam, Director General of the General Department of Taxation warmly congratulated the enterprises on the 1000 ranking list.

Up to now, along with the strong growth of the Corporation, the member companies system of DXMT has also grown vastly, including: Da Nang Green Land Joint Stock Company, North Central Joint Stock Company and most recently North Central Joint Stock Company with branches & representative offices located in Hanoi, Hoi An and some other provinces.

Đất Xanh Miền Trung vào top các doanh nghiệp nộp thuế TNDN lớn nhất Việt Nam 2017

DXMT Head Office will be inaugurated in Quarter IV / 2018 at 52-54 Vo Van Kiet, Da Nang with Grade A standard office.

In 2018, in addition to the target of VND 600 billion in profit before tax, the company expects to achieve revenue of VND 1,000 billion and contributes nearly VND 200 billion to the state budget. Continue to accompany the development of Vietnam in general and Da Nang city in particular, maintain the sense of responsibility of an elite enterprise to the state.

Regarding the core operation orientation, the company will continue to create cultural entertainment spots, complete the park system for community residents throughout the city, build high-class commercial streets with the most modern shophouse in the Northwest and launch the first Villa version in Southern Da Nang. It is expected that the company will expand its market in many other potential provinces and spread the spirit of "Green Land".

Đất Xanh Miền Trung vào top các doanh nghiệp nộp thuế TNDN lớn nhất Việt Nam 2017

Best job opportunities in the Dat Xanh Mien Trung with many high-income positions, long-term welfare policies, worthy of capacity

Dat Xanh Mien Trung will officially inaugurate a new working office at 52-54 Vo Van Kiet Street, Son Tra District, Da Nang City in the fourth quarter of 2018. With a scale of 15 floors, this is considered a modern office building, the most convenient from architecture to construction design according to 5-star standards. With the dedication to make such difference, the leadership of the DXMT wishes to turn this place into a common roof and the most ideal working place for the employees of the DXMT.